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Feb 15th Seminar – Conserving the Stage: towards resilient landscapes in a changing climate

Join us for the third seminar in our spring “Climate, Conservation and Corridors” seminar series.
Title: Conserving the Stage: towards resilient landscapes in a changing climate
Speaker: Mark Anderson, The Nature Conservancy
Date: February 15
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Love Auditorium, Duke University (Note: this is a room change from the originally listed location)

About the Speaker

Mark Anderson, Director of Conservation Science: Eastern North America, The Nature Conservancy
Mark provides science leadership, ecological analysis and landscape assessment tools for conservation efforts across eighteen states. He holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from University of New Hampshire where his researched focused on the viability and spatial assessment of ecological communities. He has worked as an ecologist for over 26 years, 20 with TNC. Mark is co-author of the National Vegetation Classification and has published numerous journal articles on biodiversity conservation and forest dynamics. His current research interests included resilience and adaptation, ecosystem transitions, disturbance processes, biophysical landscape properties and seafloor mapping. He manages a team of six scientists specializing in landscape ecology, aquatic biology, marine spatial planning and regional data management.
Recent Publications and Published Reports
Anderson, M.G., M. Clark, and A. Olivero Sheldon. 2012 Resilient Sites for
Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region. The Nature
Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 168pp.
Anderson, M.G. and A. Olivero Sheldon. 2011. Conservation Status of Fish, Wildlife, and Natural Habitats in the Northeast Landscape: Implementation of the Northeast Monitoring Framework. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 289 pp.
Anderson, M.G., and C.E. Ferree. 2010. Conserving the Stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity. PLoSONE July (5): 7 e11554: