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USGS Call for Applications to Host Northeast, South Central, and Pacific Islands CASCs

Applications are Now Being Accepted to Host the Northeast, South Central, and Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Centers

Closing Date: September 21, 2018 at 4:00 PM ET
Find guidelines and instructions in the Full Program Announcement here.
Get more information at the National Climate Adaptation Science Centers website.
Climate Adaptation Science Center host institutions are expected to provide expertise and experience to achieve the CASC mission of identifying climate/global change impacts to and effective adaptation strategies for land; water; fish and wildlife; nearshore, coastal and cultural heritage resources; and the ecosystem services upon which human communities depend. Host Institutions will be eligible for projects and project funding as a component of this agreement.
Who May Submit a Proposal?
1. State, not-for-profit, local government, and tribal entities, including academic institutions.
2. Any eligible organization or consortium interested in hosting a Center in the identified CASC region(s) may apply. Consortium partners are not required to be physically located within their corresponding CASC region.
3. Proposals may be submitted by a single institution or by one institution serving as the CASC Host, along with additional consortium partners. Consortium partners should only be included if they will play a clear and substantive role in CASC strategy and operations.
4. Organizations may submit more than one proposal. Candidate Hosts may also be included as consortium partners on proposals for which others have a Host role. Candidate consortium partners may be listed on multiple proposals.
Informational Webinars: To facilitate the financial assistance application process, two 1-hour informational webinars will be conducted on July 23 @ 3:00 PM ET and July 31 @ 5:00 PM ET by the National CASC to accommodate inquiries about this program and the proposal review, evaluation, and selection process. Interested applicants should email to obtain call-in/web address information.